Social Media Campaign In Full Swing

the new Jay Suites Facebook Timeline
Jay Suites revamped its Facebook Timeline
If you’ve ever interacted with Jay Suites in any way – whether as a tenant, prospective client, or supplier – you’ve most likely already gathered that we like to be at the forefront of things. Yet lately, we’ve been putting a new spin on this goal. Aside from incorporating statement-making décor or utilizing the latest technology in our operations, in the coming weeks you’ll see Jay Suites establishing an ever-greater online presence through innovative methods.

If you’re an existing tenant or ever expressed an interest in becoming one, you’ve probably already seen the first of our monthly e-newsletter series, which arrived in inboxes early March. In addition, we’ll reveal a revamped, newly-launched Facebook Timeline this week. Other exciting initiatives include increased activity on Twitter as well as on our very own blog.

“Our goal is to keep in touch with clients, keep them informed, and make it easier for them to find us,” says Jay Suites CEO Jack Srour. Juda Srour, the company’s President, concurs. “We need to be where our clients are – and they definitely have a presence in these media. We hope that the additional reach will make us more approachable. Overall, this will help us achieve better integration with our operations,” he concludes.

These aims are easily visible in the implementation: for instance, the new Facebook page will allow prospective clients to submit an inquiry request without ever leaving the social networking site, while the newsletter highlights little-known tips and productivity-enhancing products. And next month, we’ll be advertising our tenant-appreciation cupcake day via e-mail and Facebook announcements. Not a tenant? Not a problem. Sign up today and we’ll include you.

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